"Why do you want to be a housewife? We raise you up until you complete University!"
"If you become a housewife, you are wasting our time and money sending you to school!"
"Now you are a graduate, you should have a career instead of wasting your education by being a housewife"
Sounds strange? This is a common discourse heard by many educated women when they decide to put their careers aside to be a homemaker.
There are many young mothers in such dilemma. What is really needed is the shift in focus. Let's look at this differently. It's not a waste for your grown-up daughter to be a housewife. She's your grand children's first university. Your grandchildren's first teacher, guide and mentor of life. We raise our children to serve God, not serve us. Let's make it easy for these mothers to raise their kids in this challenging times. Don't give them the burden of guilt if they decide to be homemaker. Who knows, her status is probably higher in God's Eyes than the status of those women of high careers.